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Best Online Degrees to Moms

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There are many options for online degree programs that moms could choose from, depending on their interests. A great online degree for stay-at–home moms is an RN credential. Another career that is ideal for stay-at-home moms is human services. A career in human services has many advantages. However, one of the biggest reasons to consider an online degree is the convenience it offers. Distance education can be convenient as it does not require a long commute to reach class.

Distance education eliminates the need to commute to get to class on-time

Working moms will find distance education appealing for several reasons. One of the most important is convenience. It will be easy for you to get to your class on time, and it won't take long to find parking. Additionally, you will be able to spend the entire day with children and not on your studies. You don't have the commute to get to class. If you are unable to attend class because of illness, you can stay home.

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The cost of distance education is another advantage for working moms. Online programs are significantly cheaper than traditional brick-and mortar schools. This means you don't need to worry about daycare costs or travel time. You will also be able to save on your housing and financial expenses. Also, distance learning is an attractive option for moms who don't have the time to commute to and from class.

Online RN credential: This is the best online degree for stay at home moms

Earning your RN credential may be the best option if you've always wanted to become a nurse, but have a child/spouse who needs you. There are many great programs available, but Emory University is a good starting point. The University's online nursing program is a semester-long course. It focuses on the basics of nursing. Students who want to continue their studies on campus may also be able to choose to live in a residence option.

A nursing school accredited online can give you your RN credential if a stay-at home mom is interested in pursuing a career. Duke University, for example, has a top-rated nursing program. The cost of the online MSN program at Duke University is just $1,838 each credit. U.S. News and World Report ranks Duke University as one of the 100 best universities worldwide. They also rank it #7 for Faculty Credentials and Teaching. This means that the degree is quite heavy.

Career in human services is among the best careers for moms

A career in human services is a great option if you are looking for the best online degree for moms. Although the salaries for this job are not as high as those in other fields, they do tend to be more lucrative than others. These careers typically require graduate-level training and will give students an edge in their job search. These are all great reasons to consider a career as a human services professional.

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A bachelor's degree is required to be eligible for entry-level jobs in the human services field. A graduate degree is required if you want to move up in your current job. You should decide what you want to do before you choose a program. There are many concentrations available that can focus on child and adolescent psychology, addictions leadership, criminal justice, or psychology.

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Why do many prefer taking eLearning courses?

This is because of two simple reasons. They offer flexibility. They don't require you to be present at certain times or places. Secondly, you can learn online from anywhere. Online courses offer the opportunity to learn from anywhere, without distractions. Lastly, they are cost-effective.

What equipment do you need for eLearning learning?

It is essential that you set everything up correctly before you start an online class. Adobe Captivate, as well as a microphone and webcam, will likely be what you need.

You must also make sure that you have the correct software installed. These include Microsoft Office (Word Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Acrobat Reader Flash Player, Java Runtime Environment QuickTime 7, Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Flash 10.0, and Shockwave Flash 10.0.

Another option is to use a screen capture software such as Camtasia Studio, TechSmith. It allows you monitor what is happening on your computer screen, even while you are doing other things.

A web conferencing tool such as WebEx or GoToMeeting might be a good choice. These programs make it possible to communicate with other people watching the same presentation. They allow you to share your computer with others.

How do I pick the best eLearning platform for me?

There are thousands of eLearning sites available. Some platforms are free, while others can be more expensive.

When choosing between these options, you need to ask yourself some questions.

  • Do you want to make your own learning materials. If you do, there are lots of tools that can help you create your own online courses. These tools include Adobe Captivate and Articulate Storyline as well as Lectora and iSpring Suite.
  • Do you want to purchase pre-made eLearning courses Many companies offer pre-packaged courses. They range from $20 to $100 per course. Mindjet (Edusoft), and Thinkful are three of the most highly-respected.
  • Can I have both? Many people find that combining their own materials and those of a company produces the best results.
  • Which option is right? It all depends on your circumstances. You might want to create your own materials if you're new to eLearning. You may also want to consider buying a pre-designed course once you've gained some experience.

Where is elearning used?

E-Learning can be a great way to learn for those who are not able to attend face–to-face classes. It is also useful when you want to teach someone else how to do something.

E-Learning has become a very popular tool for business training.

E-Learning is becoming more popular in schools due to its time and money saving.

What is the biggest challenge in online learning?

It is difficult to keep students interested in the course. How can you expect students to learn anything if they don't care about what you are teaching? You can make sure your students are focused by giving them lots of options. This means giving them options like choosing which modules they want to study first, which chapters they want to read next, which exercises they want to try out, which tests they want to take, which assignments they want to start working on, and which websites they want to visit, which videos they want to watch, which games they want to play, etc.


  • According to ATD's 2021 State of the Industry report, technology-based learning methods, including e-learning, accounted for 80 percent of learning hours used in 2020. (td.org)
  • E-learning is intended to enhance individual-level performance, and therefore intend to use of e-learning should be predicted by a learner's preference for self-enhancement (Veiga, Floyd, & Dechant, 2001). (sciencedirect.com)
  • Interestingly, students' participation in online training grew by 142% in the past year alone, indicating how quality education and up-to-date teaching pedagogy are preferred by learners and working professionals to upskill across India. (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)

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What can elearning be used for to enhance traditional learning methods?

E-learning has been around for many years and is still evolving. There are so many types that e-learning is possible, it would be impossible for me to list them all. However, I will mention the most important ones.

  1. E-learning can supplement traditional education. An interactive whiteboard may be used by a teacher to demonstrate a concept. She can also record her voice explaining the concept through audio technology. The audio file can be downloaded by students to reinforce the lessons.
  2. E-learning can replace traditional classroom learning. To access tutorials on a certain topic, a student might log in to an online website. He/she could watch the video instructions and finish the exercise at their own pace.
  3. E-learning can be used to complement traditional learning. A student might log onto a website to access a large library of information. They could browse through the material and choose which parts they wanted to review.
  4. The classroom environment can be extended by e-learning. You could get feedback from a tutor via email about a student's work. Students can ask questions via instant messaging to other students.
  5. E-learning can enable distance education. For example, a university lecturer could deliver lectures over the internet to hundreds of students around the world.
  6. E-learning can also be used to support corporate training. Companies often offer webinars to update employees on new products or services.
  7. E-learning has the potential to enhance academic performance. Students who are enrolled in MOOCs can take part in discussion forums and submit content. They could also earn badges by completing specific tasks.
  8. E-learning has the potential to enhance communication skills. A student could, for example, send an assignment to another student by email.
  9. E-learning can improve critical thinking skills. For example, students might create blogs and podcasts to share information about a subject.
  10. E-learning may be helpful in problem-solving. For example, a group of students might collaborate on a project via Google Docs.
  11. Collaboration can be improved by using e-learning. One example is that two students might meet in person to discuss an issue. But, if one of them was studying at home they could communicate with each other via Skype.
  12. Self-directed learning is possible through e-learning. For example, students can set their own goals and deadlines when undertaking a course.
  13. E-learning can encourage creativity. Students might upload videos showing them performing art projects.
  14. E-learning can foster independence. One example of this is a child who can play educational games by themselves without parents' supervision.
  15. E-learning can encourage lifelong learning. E-learning can allow older adults to continue learning new skills as long as they have Internet access.


Best Online Degrees to Moms